Tuesday, April 1, 2014

House Envy and Discontent

It is overcast in Greenville, SC and a little cool this morning.  I have patio door open for some fresh air.  I hear birds chirping...and the interstate too!  It’s city living at its finest.  I truly want to be genuine in my resolve to be content in my life yet I have still have dreams.  I have a cute apartment with some nice things in it.  It is simple, comfortable and it is home to some special people...my son and husband.  I have a pretty car, some nice girlie accessories, good books, and a few bucks to shop with.  I belong to a nice sports club for fitness and attend a Biblically sound church.  I have many blessings.

However, I still have days where I want more.  This is sadly, a candid look at a heart that wants to be Godly and filter out any love for things, especially material things, that would crowd out my gratitude and contentment for all God has provided for. 

I attended an adult fellowship lunch after church on Sunday.  The hosts were a young couple that had an enormous house that was filled with decorator furniture that was comfortable and well made...very expensive, solid pieces.  Their home was perfect for spreading out while entertaining large groups.  The kitchen was amazing with great storage and nice details.  I will say, though I am describing their home as beautiful, it wasn't my taste.  What I loved about their home was the ability to host families and large groups of people comfortably and in such a nice setting.  Their views and landscaping are very pretty.  I came home feeling good from the fellowship but discontentment was creeping in. 

I have since realized that it wasn't right to compare a size of a home to another including what they had in their home.  I had to look at the motive of my discontentment.  I did not want their things or even their home.  It was their ability to host and provide such genuine hospitality.  They were so kind, pleasant, joyous and HUMBLE.  They accepted compliments graciously but their focus was on providing comfort and fellowship (which they do often for church newcomers’ fellowship).  You can have a huge house, beautiful yard, and several cars in your possession, but if you are doing it for "show", or to keep up with someone or present a false image of wealth vs. debt, then you are material minded and your blessings are self-made.  My heart was not of jealousy but of a desire to have more in order to do more, which is still a discontent heart.

I described above a nice little life in a nice apartment.  I can still have others over.  I can share my home and make them feel comfortable.  I can feed them, celebrate them, or just sit one on one and chat with them.  I have a car that is dependable and I can go visit someone and share my life with them.  I have no reason to be discontented.   I have been blessed and I actually have hosted guests here.  I plan to do more.  What would be even sadder than my discontent would be selfishness.   This couple was excited with their lovely home…they expressed their gratitude to have a home to use as a ministry of hospitality.  They expressed happiness of having 30 over and I suspect a solo guest would be just as welcomed.  They didn’t want to impress anyone and they didn’t want to posture an image…and if they did want to impress or uphold an image it was to please God and be an image of His love for others, and not show off their things or even selfishly withhold sharing their home.

The birds are still chirping.  I am sitting here smelling good coffee and freshness of outdoor air.  I am looking around at my modern décor in hues of green, white and purple.  I like my home.  I am content in knowing that it isn’t about what I have but what I do with it to bring God glory.  I think it is time for more guests.   I am ashamed that I had moments of discontent, and jealousies of sort.  I have been blessed and I refuse to keep them to myself.  My joy is in providing a hospitable place for you to prop your feet, enjoy some food, and laugh out loud with me…I dry tears too! 

So when you coming over? 

You are Loved, acf


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