Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Yes, I am Happy

I received an email from Happy Wives Club last week.  In the contact, Fawn, founder, asks "Do you ever feel you have to apologize for being a happy wife?"  I pondered this question.  I must say I have not had a perfect marriage but until last summer, I had a happy marriage with a near perfect husband in my eyes.  Here was my reply:

I appreciate your quest to celebrate Happy Marriages immensely.  I have been married 27 years this past February 2014.  We have experienced challenges to all the vows we made in sickness and in health, rich and poor, and for better or worse.  The worse being last summer when an emotional affair entered our lives.  Love won out because my husband remained committed, and the same person who provided, helped, hugged, loved, and patiently waited for my forgiveness never gave up. 

We were happy before the affair. People, as well as I, thought he was near perfect.  They said I was spoiled rotten.  Our romance was evident.  Sadly, some of these were friends who took joy to see our marriage challenged.  They were even more disappointed that we worked through the pain and survived with an even happier marriage if that could ever be possible.  We are in love.  We are friends (literally in name).  We laugh, spend time doing simple things together and enjoy a good adventure when possible. 

Silly Selfie
Happy marriages DO exist.  It is more than a feeling, but I must say if feels GREAT!  Thank you for encouraging me to celebrate and NOT apologize.  I am in love.  I do trust.  I have a wonderful husband.  We worked hard for our marriage to survive.  We are in love.  We just ARE.  It is who we are.  We are "the happily ever after", so pardon my French, "No more apologies, damn it." 

 You are Loved, a happy wife, Mrs. John K. Friend

Today, I am honestly happy in my marriage.  I remember seasons of trials and challenges and I can empathize with others who struggle.  However, I will not apologize for my happiness.  God is good!  He has blessed.

Here is a quote I came across to encourage you in your current season of life: 

   “The real things haven't changed. It is still best to be honest and truthful; to make the most of what we have; to be happy with simple pleasures; and have courage when things go wrong.”

― Laura Ingalls Wilder
You are Loved, acf

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