Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Growing Support

Today is the first day of Lent.  Kevin and I started officially today on our health quest.  I have already called him to encourage him on his lunch choices.  This will be hard on him being he doesn’t often get to eat at home or in his office.  He mainly goes out.  He is happy, however, that I will be packing his lunch and cooking at home more.    

Last night, I searched my cupboards for food items I could use to make a vegan dish for my supper.  Kevin was working late so I was on my own.  Tim, my son, had no appetite and chose to nibble and snack as he was hungry.  I admit that my pantry and refrigerator did not have all organic foods but I was able to create a satisfying salsa that I ate with corn tortilla chips.    

This morning Kevin and I enjoyed our cup of coffee together.  I did not have any healthy non-dairy creamer so I indulged in my Sweet Coldstone Creamer.  I am happy to report that it was the last drops of the container so no more of that.  Giving up coffee isn’t on my ready to do list yet.  I had a friend tell me of a soy vanilla creamer that could be a good alternative.  I don’t drink enough coffee to alarm me yet. I just have a cup or 2 with Kevin in the morning.  For breakfast, I had planned on oatmeal but time was limited to prep and sit and enjoy.  I had a cinnamon raisin bagel toasted with no condiments.  It was low enough in sugar as alternative for now.  With the coffee, I was satisfied. 

 I made it to the grocery store this morning and purchased items for a chili bean recipe.  Tonight’s supper will be chili beans, a nice salad with a balsamic vinegar drizzle and cracked pepper, plus a small bowl of red grapes.  I will post pics of it in tomorrow’s post.  I went to Aldi’s for my vegetables because Tim needed to go there to make an employment application (prayers appreciated).  I found all my veggies and even some organic canned tomatoes, organic blue corn chips, and 3 bottles of flavor infused extra virgin olive oils…garlic, basil, and chili pepper. I only bought items I needed to fix supper.  Tomorrow, I plan a large grocery shopping trip to Whole Foods, Trade Joes, and Publix.   

I get so excited when I read ingredient lists now.  I just want the product with no fillers, funky ingredients, syrups, etc.  I continue to read articles and view webinars/lectures that fuel my “need” to change our diet.  I want my husband well…his diet is not healthy and his ailments are becoming more severe.  Going on a plant based diet is the best gift I can give my husband and me.  We will have a more vibrant and energetic life. 

Since, posting about our journey into a new diet lifestyle, I have heard from several friends and noticed more posts about plant based eating.  Friends, this isn’t about being a “hippie” throw back, a fad diet, nor a counter culture rebel.  I am convinced that we are not at our best with a high meat, dairy inspired protein diet.  My doctor said before he became a vegetarian that he would chase a cow with a knife and a fork to have meat.  I get it.  I love a good steak, a juicy burger, and bacon!  I just know that my body and Kevin’s body needs better nutrition to reverse or at least improve our diseases of the heart and blood. 

I want to recommend another source for plant based food education. 

Look up his video: Dr. McDougall Criticizes Low-carb Diets (And Tells Why the Rice Diet Is Best)

This lecture is filled with charts, diagrams, and pictures.  He is humble and very interesting and he covers many topics of disease responses to a plant based diet.  He spends time in the beginning talking about the Atkins Diet, and other low carb diets.  Please listen to it all including the questions at the end.   

We can bury our heads in the sand, and call people like me silly and odd but doing so won’t change the research and the facts.   

I am excited about sharing more about our diet changes, along with some other funny life challenges along the way.   

You are Loved, acf

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