Friday, December 27, 2013

New Year's Revelation

(New Template-click on the date flag)

Life is about change, growing, becoming stronger, more knowledgeable, having fun, serving others, believing in something - having faith and establishing a personal world view - Biblical view for some. 

Some say life isn't about you, nor happiness, nor achievement, nor things obtained, etc.  Some say live for the moment, create happiness, and enjoy life!  What do I say? Life is eternal. 

Who am I to say what is right nor wrong for you?  I have my convictions and my faith...therefore I have Biblical truths I try to base my life choices on.  I often fail these convictions.  I know I should share my faith and I should encourage you to seek God in your life.  I know that I am told to politely and Godly stand for Biblical truths and encourage others to do the same.  I, however, choose to listen to a still small voice that guides me to doing my personal purpose and paths given to me by God.  I don't often obey this feeling of inner guidance.  I blow it often...I disclose too much, give my too honest and sometimes defiled opinion, and even ignore blatantly my knowledge of right and wrong.  I know this is not a good thing because of the consequences and its effects, and how it affects others. However, I am not "all" bad.

In saying this, I am trying to convey that this blog is truly a diary of sorts.  I don't always "filter" my life appropriately.  What you will get here are posts of what I am learning - running my household, being a wife, mom and friend, rekindling friendships and making new friends, Biblical devotions, and other life experiences that I hope you will be somewhat educated in or at least entertained by.

This blog isn't anything profound nor creative or educational.  This blog is to encourage you that your life is either way better than mine or that our lives are similar and you are not alone in your thoughts and lifestyle.  I am a woman...I love, I share, I care, I am silly-frivolous, and yes, I love life!  I long to be happy and I am.  I have responsibilities and Biblical convictions.  I am real but I am not going to bring shame on anyone.  I want you to know that in a few days I will begin to post again and I will be more consistent and we will begin together a New Year Revelation of A Friend's Heart.

You are Loved, Anna

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