Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It is Finished

Yesterday, I chuckled at the headline of our devotional read.  It was entitled Food.  I had been studying and praying about starting a spiritual fast.  The post was all about the non-priority of food.  I think it is funny when people respond to the question about doing a fast, even if it is for one meal or one day.  I hear "I have to eat for my medicine" " I have to eat because I am a diabetic." "I blah blah blah blah."  I understand the validity of most of these responses.  I get an upset stomach if I don't eat with some of my meds.  I understand the importance of blood sugar levels in diabetics...my husband is a diabetic.  A fast is not a set of rules or for role playing or posturing.  I encourage you to read about fasting in God's Word and use reliable Biblical resources.  Fasts aren't for creating wanted outcomes, etc.  Fasts are for discipline, obedience, and clarity of mind to depend on God and listen to His Spirit more clearly, so you can pray less distractedly and receive instruction, or just become closer to Him...what ever the Spirit puts in your heart if HE asks you to fast.  I do a brown rice fast.  I eat small portions as I feel hungry.  It is not filled with soy sauce or other flavor enhancements because I also want to make a sacrifice and remember that I am blessed and not everyone has the luxury of flavor and depend on rice for sustenance. Now welcome to my blog....this is me...way off track!  I just wanted to say it was a very appropriate devotion since I was starting my fast.

Encouraging Verse from yesterday:
"...the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.  For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable God and approved by men".
Romans 14:17-18 (Other great verses re: food Matt 14:15-17; John 4:8; Luke 18:28 and Matt 6:33)

Now what I want to really share about is today's devotional from Experiencing God Day by Day - Henry Blackaby.  It is entitled It is Finished.

Kevin and I laughed because we thought of our lives in 2013 and we just want to say "Praise the Lord, Hallelujah! It is Finished."  However, truthfully, we have both grown stronger and deeper in our faith and in our relationship.  I have met new friends, moved to a great place in a new city, and my children, grandchildren, and family are well in spite of some major health and wellness challenges. All that aside, please know I am ready for the new bookmark of a new chapter in my life.

Many of us use the New Year as a starting point to create goals, make resolutions, make plans and overall welcome a fresh starting point.  I love setting up new goals each year.  I have the same goal each year to lose weight.  This past year from January to Now I have lost 46 pounds.  I haven't lost any in the past 2 months but I haven't gained it back either.  However, I, think as a Christian woman, my priority is all wrong.  Instead of making goals for my life, I need to use the New Year to freshly focus on "What is God's will for me in the New Year? Is it something new? Do I need to regenerate a first love of God? Do I need to further study on my gifts and calling?  What are my gifts and calling for the New Year?" 

The devotional pointed out:  Jesus was given an enormous mandate.  He was to live a sinless life, remaining absolutely obedient to His Father - Even the mandate of His death....Yet despite the extremely complex assignment Jesus received from His Father, He could shout triumphantly from the cross, "It is finished."

Jesus has assignments for us to finish.  Though our work is never to cease for Him, He has specific things He wants to accomplish in you...in me!  Jesus is just as determined to complete God's will in us as He was to complete God's will for Himself.

I have to ask myself these questions today on New Year's Eve as printed in the devotional:
  • What is it God wants to do in you?
  • Have you allowed Him to complete what He has begun?
  • Are there promises God has made to you that you have refused to allow Him to complete?
It will be a Happy New Year for me if I can check off  the 2014 year completing the things God began in me, so I can receive more assignments, promises, and blessings from my obedience.  I am fasting for this very reason.  I need to be closer and more knowledgeable of who God is and who He says I am.  I need to accomplish His purposes and receive fulfillment from Him. 

Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.   (I have to "seek" for the "additions")

I am filled with a joy for New Years that doesn't need confetti, champagne and glittery balls.  I will dance with my husband to nice music in our living room.  I will welcome the New Year in prayer.  I will secretly wish I was dancing under a glittery ball with champagne and sparkles in my hair but I will be satisfied in knowing that Jesus will see to it that God's will in my life be accomplished.  He won't force it but He will bless my efforts and I will be motivated to keep on keeping on...even when I fall and have to repent and look up and reach for help.

One last thought.  We always tend to say that the devil went on attack just as soon as he knew I was going to fast, seek God's will, surrender my life, etc...

Here is an alternative truth to ponder found in today's devotion.

You will have to resist Christ to remain out of the will of God.

Think about it.  Am I resisting Christ?  Am I choosing not to be in God's will?  If Jesus is purposefully working for me to fulfill God's will, then why is it not being accomplished?

Well you are happy to know now my blog post is FINISHED.

You are Loved, acf

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