Monday, October 19, 2015

House Cleaning - Heart Clearing

Marilyn Meberg - Women Of Faith 
I have heard this funny, vibrant, lady speak a few different times at conferences. I just heard her again at Women of Faith this month in Charlotte.  I am looking forward to reading her recent book.  After hearing a video clip from her, I pondered, "Why do I move so much?"

I used to move because Kev's job or position would change locations.  However for the past 20 plus years it has been for numerous other reasons. I got where I like to move.  I get easily discontent with each home I live in. It is never quite what I really want. No sooner do I move in, I start thinking that the next house will have such and such.

I am getting ready to clean my house. I am seeing things that need to be hung up on the wall, or placed somewhere in a cupboard etc.- things I have bought to decorate or use here. I haven't done anything with them because I am just not satisfied living here. It is too small.  I think my problem however is not so much a "house" problem but a heart problem. I will never be content if I am constantly craving more.  I could relate to this video clip.

Marilyn Meberg clip

Today I will choose to clean my home. I will be grateful for having only one bathroom because some have none.  I will be happy to fix a meal in my tiny one counter kitchen because I have food to prepare and a place to cook.  I will not cuss when I bump into a corner of my pretty coffee table crowded into a small living room.  I will polish my long farm table and be grateful I have "rotten, entitled, spoiled" family to share meals with. I am not alone.  I have children I love.  I know I have much.  I truly am grateful.  I just need to work on my discontent.  It's a house not my shrine.  It is a home filled with laughs, loudness, hugs, and tears - sometimes too many.  It is about so much more than being able to display pretty things, taking a bath without scrubbing the tub first because 3 men use it, and having sleek, large, shiny counters to roll Christmas cookie dough on.  It is about doing life and living in the moment just as I am and in the space I am in.  Can we embroider that on a pillow?  Maybe make a decal to plaster over my door?  I need to remember my own words!

Choose to be content, Anna.  Combat the deceiver that says "never enough" "more" "not fair" "next house" "next time",

Somebody would love to have what I am complaining about. I am blessed.  I am going to "try" and do life in the Friend household better.  I am going to start by getting my tail up and cleaning it.  I appreciate what I have and what God enables my husband to provide. To not clean or care for it is sadly a lack of gratitude to my hard working husband.

Choose to do life wisely my friends.  Choose happiness. Choose contentment.  Even in the midst of dark, trying days that I have and continue to experience, I know I have much to be thankful for.  It is time to live in a standard of gratitude and excellent care for what we have.

You are Loved, acf

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